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Voter Education

Kansas City Ballot Measures -  April 8, 2025 Election 

Kansas City voters will see the following three ballot questions on the April 8 municipal ballot.

Public Safety Sales Tax Ballot Initiative  - Voters will be asked to renew the ¼% sales tax that funds public safety initiatives in Kansas City.  

The Kansas City MO School District Bond Issuance  - Voters will be asked to allow the Kansas City Missouri School District to issue bonds for the purpose of capital expenditures for new and existing school properties, as well as to levy a property tax to service the debt.

Transfer of Park Land to Ronald McDonald House - Voters will be asked to authorize the City Of Kansas City to transfer park land from the city to Ronald McDonald House, which currently operates in a house on the park property.

Click here for ballot language and local news coverage related to the ballot issues. 

As we approach the April 8 election, we will continually update this page.

Voter Education Today

Current events and topics relevant to Kansas City, Jackson, Clay, and Platte County voters.

Ballot Initiative Process  Proposals that would have made it more difficult for citizen's initiatives to succeed were once again presented but failed to pass. This follows similar restrictive proposals made in 2022 and 2023. Restrictive proposals are expected to be proposed again in 2025.

Missouri Voters Have a Superpower!:  Check out the online version of "Missouri Voters Have a Superpower" to learn about special powers that Missouri voters have via the ballot initiative process.

Watch the video below 
to understand how the citizen initiative process works in Missouri and reasons for and against making the initiative process more difficult.


Voter Education Library

Utilize our Voter Education Library to answer questions you may have about voting and local issues. Click a button below to learn more about a topic.

Be a Smarter Voter: Build Your Fact-checking Toolkit

Learn to navigate online misinformation this election season. Click the red button above to learn more.


Resources for College Students

Now is the time to develop your plan to vote in the November election.

There are 4 ways to vote in Missouri:

✔ In-person on election day;
✔ In-person No-Excuse Absentee (Early) Voting;
✔ In-Person Absentee Voting;
✔ Mail-In Absentee Voting.

In-person No-Excuse Absentee (Early) Voting begins Tuesday October 22. Click here for information about In-person absentee voting in metropolitan Kansas City, including locations of early voting sites.

To learn how to make your plan, click anywhere on the Resources for College Student slide below.

Missouri Ballot Integrity


Learn 5 facts about your MIssouri election ballot! The League of Women Voters Kansas City observed the voting process in Missouri. We’re sharing these 5 facts so voters can have confidence in their ballot. Click here for the video or watch below.

Voter Glossary and FAQ

  • An unfunded mandate is...
  • Why doesn't Kansas City have local control of its police force? 

Digital and Printable Flyers

Check out LWVKC's informational flyers on voting and elections.  Print and distribute them or share digital copies.  For each flyer, four versions are available: black and white or color, digital or printable.  

"Are you registered to vote?" flyer

Click for PDF file: color (for printing)

Click for PDF file: black and white (for printing)

Click for PNG image file: color (for digital sharing)

Click for PNG image file: black and white (for digital sharing)

"Voter ID Requirements" flyer

Click for PDF file: color (for printing)

Click for PDF file: black and white (for printing)

Click for PNG image file: color (for digital sharing)

Click for PNG image file: black and white (for digital sharing)

"How to Vote in Missouri" flyer

Click for PDF file: color (for printing)

Click for PDF file: black and white (for printing)

Click for PNG image file: color (for digital sharing)

Click for PNG image file: black and white (for digital sharing)

"Key Info" flyer (General Election)

Click for PDF file: color (for printing)

Click for PDF file: black and white (for printing)

Click for PNG image file: color (for digital sharing)

Click for PNG image file: black and white (for digital sharing)

"Key Info" flyer (Primary Election)

Click for PDF file: color (for printing)

Click for PDF file: black and white (for printing)

Click for PNG image file: color (for digital sharing)

Click for PNG image file: black and white (for digital sharing)

"5 Election Integrity Facts" flyer


Click for PDF file: color (for printing)

Click for PDF file: black and white (for printing)

Click for PNG image file: color (for digital sharing)

Click for PNG image file: black and white (for digital sharing)